Batch Normalization

As Keras’ Batch Normalization layer is not directly compatible with gradient accumulation, we have implemented a custom BN layer called AccumBatchNormalization, which supports it.

The layer can be used as a drop-in replacement of Keras’ BatchNormalization layer. Just note that it has reduced functionality, not including techniques such as batch renormalization or ghost batches. However, in general the vanilla batch normalization layer is the most used.

import tensorflow as tf
from gradient_accumulator import GradientAccumulateModel, AccumBatchNormalization

# sets it here as we will set it for both the layer and model wrapper
accum_steps = 4

# simple mnist classifier model
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),

# needs this as well to update the remaining variables
model = GradientAccumulateModel(accum_steps=accum_steps, inputs=model.input, outputs=model.output)

You can also easily replace the existing Batch Norm layers in a pretrained model, i.e., MobileNetV2. Below is an example on how to do that:

import tensorflow as tf
from gradient_accumulator import GradientAccumulateModel
from gradient_accumulator.layers import AccumBatchNormalization
from gradient_accumulator.utils import replace_batchnorm_layers

accum_steps = 4

# replace BN layer with AccumBatchNormalization
model = tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2(input_shape(28, 28, 3))
model = replace_batchnorm_layers(model, accum_steps=accum_steps)

# add gradient accumulation to existing model
model = GradientAccumulateModel(accum_steps=accum_steps, inputs=model.input, outputs=model.output)

Note that Batch Normalization is a unique layer in Keras. It has two sets of variables. The first two mean and variance are updated during the forward pass, whereas the remaining two gamma and beta are updated during the backward pass.

Hence, it is crucial to include the model wrapper when also using the AccumBatchNormalization with accum_steps > 1.