
GradientAccumulator is a lightweight and low-code library for enabling gradient accumulation techniques in TensorFlow. It is designed to be integrated seemlessly and be compatible to the most commonly used training pipelines for deep neural networks. To make it work with modern techniques such as batch normalization and gradient clipping, custom implementations have been made which can be used as drop-in replacement for existing implementations.


The latest release of GradientAccumulator can be installed from PyPI using

pip install gradient-accumulator

You may also install directly from GitHub, using the following command. This can be used to obtain the most recent version of GradientAccumulator.

pip install git+

Note that GradientAccumulator is built on top of TensorFlow, which is installed during installation if no existing version is found.

The Team

The development of GradientAccumulator is led by André Pedersen with coworkers at the SINTEF Medical Image Analysis research group. We are also very grateful to the open source community for contributing ideas, bug fixes, and issues.


If you are having issues, please let us know by filing an issue on our issue tracker or making a discussion in the dedicated Discussions tab.


GradientAccumulator is licensed under the MIT License.

Indices and Tables